What I’ve found is a new appreciation for preventative
measures. No longer do I think it is silly to sing happy birthday to me while I wash my hands or take the
time to look for the wipes at grocery stores to clean my shopping cart handles.
I don’t mind standing in line for my flu shot, eating an apple a day to scare
the doctor away, exercising, or taking my vitamins.
I’ve learned that health affects physical, mental, and
spiritual wellbeing and have started to explore new ways to stay well, new
diets, organic fruits and vegetables, vitamin supplements, meditation,
alternative medicines, herbs and acupuncture.
I still ring my doctor when needed and will gratefully take pills
to get better, but my best advice? Rely on traditional comforts. Chicken soup is
my favorite remedy.
From my cousin Ellen:
So sorry you were so sick. I have been washing,spraying.staying away from crowds to avoid the Flu. The older i get the more I worry about getting felled by the bug even with the shot. I am happy to hear you are feeling much better...e
Sleep is my cure for everything that hurts. Love your post. Patsy
Get well. Enjoyed your post. Hope you don't have to suffer thru an illness to get your next inspiration.
Glad you're feeling better, Barb! I'm finding laughter to be very healing these days.
Patsy: Yes, sleep is great and underestimated! Thanks.
So glad you stopped by and left a comment, Terry. I intend to stay well and be inspired without any germ invaders.
Laura, you are so right. "Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine." George Gordon Byron.
Love this Barbara. Great playful tone. Especially about the grocerycart wipes :0) it's good when we can get to the, past the misery stage, enough to laugh at something.
Thanks, Christina. It is good to laugh. My sis works in a grocery store and she knows what travels around in those grocery store carts. Use the wipes!
This email from Donna:
Thanks..so funny!
Good job on the essay. we can All relate, for sure.
i was trying to say that
the ounce of prevention
always packs on the
pounds for me.
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