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My old Guam neighborhood Picture sample for upcoming chapbook |
When riding in the car with your parents, do you remember asking, "Are we there yet?" The answer was vague, "Just around the bend." Vague, because as a little girl, I couldn't tell how long the bend was, no frame of reference for maps, and miles, and hours.
In memoir, just around the bend can take you back years, and although you have a map, you will need a magnifying glass, and the miles don't tell you about stops along the way, and the hours don't tell you who you're going to meet, or how long you need to stay and talk, so there is no one to ask except for yourself, "Are We Done Yet?"
I feel exactly like that little girl in the back seat now about to publish Water Over Time, my chapbook about growing up in Guam, "Are we done yet?"
"Close," is the answer. Decisions are being made, and I finished the About the Author page, which jolted me out of my creativity mode, and set me back into a reality mode. Reality being, I'm making a list and getting things done.
I've decided to self-publish, and to use CreateSpace, and to get some help. A fellow writing group member, Amber Lea Starfire, has been a valuable resource. She writes a brilliant blog at Writing Through Life. She has used CreateSpace services in the past with great success and has offered advice and encouragement.
Some people can zip over to CreateSpace, upload their file, tap the submit button, and everything they enter turns golden, but I'm an anxious sort of person and I worry a lot about styles, and formats, and the end product.
Patsy Ann Taylor, another writing group pal, wrote on the acknowledgements page of her book, Click, "Writing is an activity usually endured alone. But from opening sentence to coda an author, if she is lucky, has support along the way."
Sooo maybe there is someone, other than myself, I can ask, "Are we done yet?"
In the meantime, I am reading one of the stories from my collection at SISTERS Consignment Couture in Sonoma along with two other authors, arranged by Laura McHale Holland. I invite you to come by if you're able.
Friday, Oct. 4, 2013
7 to 8:30 p.m.
Authors will share original writing about
sisters born or sisters found.
Open mic will follow for
further readings on the theme.
I can relate to so much of what you shared in this post, Barb. I like the way you likened your experiences in bringing a book to life to long ago rides when you, like so many other youngsters on family trips, wondered, "Are we there yet?" I look forward to seeing you Oct. 4, and to reading your book when it's out.
Barb, I love how you compared the memoir journey to riding in the car as a child. I'm looking forward to helping you with the publishing process.
And I wish I could be at your reading on the 4th - I'll be out of town on business.
I'm excited to see you new book. What you've share is full of promise. Patsy
OOps. I needed an editor for my comment. It should read: I'm excited to see your new book. What you've shared is full of promise. (I'm usually a better editor than that.) P.
Laura, thank you. I look forward to seeing you too on the 4th, and hearing your reading!
Thanks, Amber. I'm looking forward to your help. Glad you like the post. You're my favorite writing guru.
Thanks, Patsy. Mistakes? You? Very rare, think I'll frame it.
Thanks to Donna for her comment in an email:
Great analogy. Writing a book is a trip. Good, good, good for you!!
In an email from Jackie F.
It is a pleasure to be able to share your journey towards your chapbook. I'm looking forward to the finished product.
Thanks, Jackie: The best reward will be sharing the book
with good friends like you.
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