Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Poetry as Art

Our Napa County Poet Laureate, Leonore Wilson, is working on a great project with Arts Council of Napa Valley to create broadsides (framed poetry). I am honored to have one of my poems (read below) included in the show! According to Leonore, the broadsides will be touring businesses around Napa. Hope you have a chance to see my poem displayed and can read it along with others in person now appearing at Alexis Bakery and Cafe, 1517 Third St., Napa, CA.

When We Go to Lunch

We shall all wear hats
And long floral skirts in the garden
We’ll sip lavender tea and sparkling wine
And agree to surrender our burdens 

When we go to lunch we shall trust that our hats
Hold most of our secrets within
We’ll eat all our words from silver spoons
And tighten silk bows at our chins

All of our hats shall have a wide brim
To protect the aging of skin
All of our hats shall shadow raised brows   
From the gossip we revel in

When we go to lunch we shall try other hats
Stylish or garish or sweet
When we go to lunch we shall dare all our hats
To flee when we sit down to eat

Barbara with her broadside.


Laura McHale Holland said...

What an intriguing poem, and a perfect selection for this project. I love it! Congratulations to you, Barbara.

Donna DeWeerd/donnaleeblog.wordpress.com said...

Barb, this is charming and beautifully metaphorical. Ah, if only our hats could talk??

Also, I think it sychronicity that we are both writing poems on our luncheons. A reflection, perhaps?

barb bits said...

Thanks, Laura. It was a kick seeing my poem this way.

barb bits said...

Yes. This is a reflection of many lunches with friends. If you only knew! Thanks, Donna.

Ms. Wack Sense (known also as Christina Julian) said...

love the pic and the poem!

barb bits said...

Thanks, Christina. Glad you saw the display too.

patsy Ann Taylor said...

This is a lovely poem. The idea of trying on other "hats" is a perfect example of what we women do. I'm happy to share the wall at ABC with you. Patsy

barb bits said...

Loved your broadside too, Patsy. I love the idea of the broadsides. Much better than our poems in some dusty file drawer.