photo by Pete Prodoehl |
"Thank you for submitting "Chase at Bat." We are happy to tell you that we have selected your piece for potential inclusion in the 2015 Redwood Writers Anthology."
Yay! This is the first sentence of an email I received from the editors of the current California Writers Club anthology project, Journeys. I'm excited for a couple of reasons. First, this is the 10th anniversary edition. Second, this is the first time all of the members of my critique group will have pieces included in a Redwood Writers Anthology. Amber Lee Starfire is the overall editor, and Marilyn Campbell, Patsy Ann Taylor, and I are authors of short stories. We're all in!
My story, Chase at Bat, has been revised, rejected, and revised again at least four times now, and it's ready for a new editor to help me shine it up once more. Originally, I had thought I would include the story in a collection of stories about raising Chase, and that is still a future possibility.
"Chase at Bat" is a story about my autistic son, Chase, and his first introduction to sports. At age eight my son surprised me by his ability to take part in a team sport. It was the beginning of a journey for both of us.
I will be assigned an editor by May 1st. Stay tuned for the launch date of our new anthology and order your own copy, or click if you would like more information about the Redwood Writers.
Since joining the club in 2010, other Redwood anthologies that my work has appeared in are, The Sound of a Thousand Leaves in 2011 and Water in 2014.
Thanks to Patsy. She wanted me to attach this note to my post.
("It should be noted that all of the anthology submissions were blind (no names attached) and Amber had no idea who the accepted authors were.
In fact, when we had our critique group meetings, we couldn't share anything about what we were submitting. Amber didn't want to know anything about our work. And we didn't tell.")