Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Couch Tale

Photo and design by David Toboni
I cannot look at my couch without smiling. That’s why I chose it for my office, certainly not because it’s an exact match for the paint or carpeting. Now, as the sunlight streams in through the seams of the white mini-blinds and a breeze dances the shadow of leaves from our Crepe Myrtle across its colorful fabric, I marvel at the fanciful design. Blue tulips, yellow daisies, and orange lilies bloom along a green vine against a backdrop of sandy brown.

 If I lie here I might fall asleep and dream I am sailing on my couch. Odd, but that’s how dreams are. Tulip blue, daisy yellow, and vine green sheets bellow in a swift breeze as surfers and boaters point at me and wave, or brandish their flags as I glide by.

“How do you like my boat?” I call. Sofa crafts are so comfortable. Why don’t I see more of them?

Out, out, out, I soar beyond the buoys; until I find myself in open waters, but I’m not afraid knowing my ship will keep me safe.

Dolphins, their bodies shimmering gray, crisscross my bow. “Where are we going?” I ask.

They answer telepathically, “Be patient. Let your imagination lead you.”

While I am eager to discover new vistas, I am happy to stay here adrift in pristine waters, the sun warming me, gulls wheeling in a brilliant sky, waves lapping, matching the rhythm of each breath. Am I dreaming or is this a meditative state? Om, om, om, I invite my muse to join me. “Send me a sign.”  

A great skipjack tuna leaps from the sea, and a cat appears. A cat at sea?  Another oddity?

No, it’s my cat, Sammy. She’s ready to reclaim her spot on the couch.  

This post was inspired by a writing exercise posted by Amber Starfire.